Spring Into Health and Wellness With eBooks

Whether you’re a yoga junkie or looking to try something new, San Mateo County Libraries has an assortment of yoga as well as other health and wellness eBooks to help you stay on track. Total Boox, one of our eBook providers, has partnered with some of the leading publishers in the subject. You can find books on topics such as Ashtanga yoga, essential oil guides, vegan and/or gluten-free cookbooks, and more.

To help you keep up with your healthy habit or wellness routine, Total Boox stays on your device for as long as you need them. You can also download as many eBooks as you want from the catalog of 50,000 eBooks. And if you want to get started right away, you can begin reading Total Boox immediately. There are no holds, no expirations, and no fines.

See all of Total Boox’s Health and Wellness eBooks.


Pick Your Yoga Practice

Restorative Yoga Therapy

Yin, Yang, Yogini


Never Too Late to Go Vegan

Cultured Food for Health

Eat Real Food


Goddesses Never Age

Herbs for Stress & Anxiety

Boosting Immunity

What are your favorite books on health and wellness? Share with us in the comments.

Updated March 14, 2019: Links to Total Boox removed as San Mateo County Libraries no longer subscribes to the eBook service.