Bake Something Sweet With Summer Fruits

Not even the summer heat can stop a carbo-fiend like me from cranking up the oven and making way more sweet treats than I should be allowed to eat. In reality, nothing will stop me from throwing together flour, sugar and summer fruits to bake delicious summertime recipes.

Summer Sweetness

Summer’s bounty provides us with tons of great produce. Maybe you have a flourishing garden and want to show off the best of your sweet, ripe summer fruits. Maybe you just like reading baking blogs and spend your days saying, “Hey, that looks good. I’ll make that sometime, someday, eventually, when I have the time.” Maybe you have a friend who likes baking to whom you slide a recipe over to with a *wink-wink-nudge-nudge-please-make-for-me*. Regardless, San Mateo County Libraries has a seemingly endless supply of cookbooks and recipes to explore that will inspire your homemade culinary explorations for the summer.  

Figuring out what to bake during the summer leaves me with mixed feelings. My favorite things to make with summer superstars like berries and stone fruits are tarts and scones, which are great because there’s a lot of flexibility for fillings or mix-ins for any plain dough recipe. On the other hand, some of the best things to eat during the summer are the cool, creamy stuff like cheesecakes, cream puffs, ice cream sandwiches, trifles and crepe cakes. 

Got tons of tomatoes? I would probably throw it on some thinly rolled dough with some goat cheese or aromatics. Rage Baking also has a lovely recipe for a classic southern Summer Tomato Pie.

Have some peaches, plums or apricots that are ready for use? Upside-down cakes, galettes or tarts with the slices arranged nicely like the ones in The Taartwork Pies Cookbook make fantastic showstoppers.

Check out your local library’s cooking section, borrow a couple books and maybe photocopy some of your favorite recipes to stick in a binder for future needs! Your palate (and fellow human taste testers) will thank you. Here are some of our favorite recipe books:


Simple Fruit

Fruit Cake

Soulful Baker

Summer of A Thousand Pies