National Beach Day

As summer starts to wind down, I’m dreaming of warm sand and cool blue waves cresting along a beach. I have many fond childhood memories of weekends spent under the sun swimming and snorkeling in the tropical shores of Guam. When my family moved to California, we spent many more weekends walking and having picnics at the beaches along the California coastline. It is because of these great memories that I love looking at various travel guides whenever I want to explore a new beach. For National Beach Day, opens a new window, August 30th, here are my current top three travel guides for beaches.

Maui Revealed by Andrew Doughty (2018)
This summer my family visited Maui and we’ve added its beautiful beaches to our list of favorite destinations. This guidebook provides great details on how to prepare for your visit to Maui and navigate the island. It especially came in handy when we would loose GPS signal while exploring the Maui coast.

Beaches and Parks From San Francisco to Monterey by the California Coastal Commission (2012)
In California, I regularly browse this book for trips along the coast. It provides a brief background and history of each place, which I appreciate. It is interesting learning more about the beaches and parks in different counties nearby.

Moon 101 Great Hikes San Francisco Bay Area by Ann Marie Brown (2018)
A new book I started reading to plan out some future hikes with my family. This guide provides awesome information about how to prepare and what to expect on the listed hikes. Even more, it informs readers of nearby beaches to explore. Like the ones near Muir Beach, opens a new window and its Coastal Trail.

What are your favorite beaches or beach guidebooks? Any tips on planning a day at the beach? Share with us below!