Celebrating National Library Card Sign-up Month

Written By: Ella D. with Communications

Take a moment and imagine your favorite things about the library—is it the towering shelves filled with thousands of books? Is it the feeling of being surrounded by limitless knowledge, knowing that it's all within your reach? Is it the way people from all walks of life can gather together in one space and find common ground and enjoyment? Maybe your favorite thing about the library is being able to relax in a cozy, kind and safe environment free of financial barriers. When I think of all these experiences, happening every day under one roof, there's only one way to describe it: magic. 

This National Library Card Sign-up Month, San Mateo County Libraries is celebrating all the library magic available with your library card. 

Endless Knowledge at Your Fingertips 

A library card is a lot like a magic wand: with a wave and a wish, you can make your dreams come true. With just your library card, you have the ability to unlock endless knowledge to elevate and improve your life. San Mateo County Libraries are filled to the brim with books and resources that can guide you to your goals, big or small. Our collection is thoughtfully curated to best serve the needs of our community—from cooking and crafting, to travel and tech or fiction and fun—odds are, if you're looking for it, our libraries have it. 

Creativity Abounds

Our libraries are not only a place of knowledge but of creation. Our makerspaces and maker activities are an opportunity to express yourself as you bring creations into existence with the power of your own two hands. At the library, you can tap into your creative spirit in a tinker-friendly environment, guided by our experienced mentors. We host maker events for all ages and abilities, enjoyable for beginners and seasoned artisans alike. 

Where Community is Found 

At the library, we welcome you to come as you are. Our culture of sharing is embedded into our community, not just in sharing resources, but in sharing experiences with each other as well. Our libraries host unique and fun events nearly every day of the week—giving you lots of opportunities to try something new and meet people with similar interests.  

Feel the Magic 

Revisit the magical places you love or uncover new realms of enchantment with the fantasy picks available on our shelves. From classics like Chronicles of Narnia and The Hobbit, to modern favorites like Game of Thrones and Fourth Wing, these stories remind us that magic is all around us, all we need to do is look. 

Our libraries are home to many magical experiences. Thankfully, you don't need a wand to make magic, all you need is your library card. This month, we hope you share the library magic. Can you think of friends or family who would benefit from a library card? Encourage them to sign up for a library card by stopping by any of our library locations or filling out this online form. Magic awaits!