Happy Mid-Autumn! With a rich tradition of celebrating family, harvest, and the full moon, the Mid-Autumn Festival is honored throughout Asia. This year, it falls on Wednesday, October 4 and San Mateo County Libraries are celebrating with storytelling, music, dance, lots of children's activities, and your favorite moon cakes!
We're bringing in Chinese Brush painter Pauline Tsui, opens a new window, Dan Chan's Magic Show, opens a new window, the Flying Angels Chinese Dance Company, opens a new window, and the Creative World Ensemble band that blends music from China, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe!
Join us at the Millbrae Library on Saturday, September 30, starting at 1:00 PM with a demonstration by local Tae Kwon Do Black Belt School, opens a new window, music, and a Pure Shaolin Kung Fu, opens a new window performance. Foster City Library's Mid-Autumn Festival kicks off on Sunday, October 1 at 1:00 PM, with food, fun, and crafts for the whole family!
Check out our events or browse our catalog for fun books, music and DVDs that explore the Mid-Autumn Festival.
What's your favorite part of celebrating Mid-Autumn?
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