No More Late Fees for 62+

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Starting January 1, 2018, San Mateo County Libraries are waiving any late fines on county library materials for individuals age 62 and older. The Senior Library Card program is available to patrons that live in the San Mateo County Libraries service area (Atherton, Belmont, Brisbane, East Palo Alto, Foster City, Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Pacifica, Portola Valley, San Carlos, Woodside, and the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County).

We recognize that late fees can be a significant barrier to library access, particularly among seniors who are retired and live on a low or fixed income or have transportation issues. By removing this barrier, we aim to improve older adults’ access to timely, current information, as well as increase their social connectedness with the larger San Mateo County community.

Here is how our Senior Library Card program works:

  • If your birth date is already in our system, then you are good to go as there is no need to get a new library card. We have automatically given you a Senior Card status and you can begin borrowing county library items with no late fines.
  • For library users that do not have their birth date on record with us, just stop by one of these community libraries or one of our Bookmobile stops to request that we waive your fines on county library materials. You only need to simply recite your birth date; proof of birth date is not required.
  • If you are or know an individual age 62 or older who does not have a library card, then you can get one by visiting our community libraries in person or checking out our card services page to sign up for one online. Either way, it's free!
  • Please note that if you place holds or check out items from city libraries or community college libraries and you return them late, then you may incur fines.

What exciting read will you check out with your Senior Library Card? Share with us in the comments below!


¡No más cargos por retrasos para personas de 62 años y mayor!

Comenzando el 1º de enero del 2018, las Bibliotecas del condado de San Mateo eliminaran las multas por devolución tardía de materiales de las bibliotecas del condado para individuos mayores de 62 años de edad. Este programa de Tarjetas de Biblioteca para Adultos de la Tercera Edad está disponible para individuos que viven en el área de servicio de las Bibliotecas del Condado de San Mateo (Atherton, Brisbane, East Palo, Alto, Foster City, Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Pacifica, Portola Valley, San Carlos, Woodside y áreas no incorporadas al Condado de San Mateo).

Reconocemos que las multas por devolución tardía de materiales pueden representar un obstáculo para obtener acceso a la biblioteca, especialmente para las personas mayores, jubiladas, que viven con bajos o fijos ingresos o tienen problemas de transporte. Nuestro objetivo es que al remover este obstáculo más adultos mayores tendrán acceso a información actual y oportuna, y a la misma vez aumentarán sus conexiones sociales con la amplia comunidad del Condado de San Mateo.

Así funciona nuestro programa de Tarjetas de Biblioteca para Adultos de la Tercera Edad:

¿Qué temas de interés te gustaría leer usando tu Tarjeta de Biblioteca para Adultos de la Tercera Edad? ¡Comparte con nosotros en los comentarios siguientes!




