HyRead: 繁體中文電子書 | HyRead: Traditional Chinese eBooks eBooks/eAudiobooks eMagazines
HyRead是繁體中文電子書平台,主要提供台灣出版社的中文圖書,豐富的電子書種類適合各年齡層讀者包括親子童書,文學小説, 商業理財,心理勵志, 語言學習,旅遊及飲食等等。 通過各種瀏覽器在線閱讀或下載HyRead App。只需使用您的圖書證號碼和密碼登錄即可。 圖書借閱證前5個號碼必需是 29041, 29731或 29735。
HyRead is a traditional Chinese language eBook platform from Taiwan for all ages, including children's books for pair reading, literature, and fiction, business, self-help, language learning, cooking, travel, etc. The digital titles are accessible from your browser or your mobile device by downloading the HyRead App. Just log in with your library card number and PIN. Requires 29041, 29731 or 29735 library card.