Kono: 中文電子雜誌 | Kono: Chinese eMagazines eMagazines Library Card Required.

從日本,香港和台灣的電子雜誌立即發送給您!在計算機,平板電腦或智能手機上瀏覽當前流行的雜誌。Kono在圖書館網站提供中文和日文電子雜誌,而該應用程序有英文,中文,日文和韓文版本。雜誌的範圍從時尚到商務到體育等等,隨時隨地都可以上網使用。圖書借閱證前5個號碼必需是 29041, 29731或 29735。

Get eMagazines from Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan delivered to you instantly! Browse current popular magazines on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The Kono for Libraries website is currently available in Chinese, English, and Japanese, while the app is available in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Magazines range from fashion to business to sports and more and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Requires 29041, 29731 or 29735 library card.