Boundless (Formerly Axis 360) eBooks/eAudiobooks
An ever-expanding collection of popular eBooks and eAudio for kids and adults. Featuring popular adult fiction and nonfiction including cookbooks and crafts, children's picture-story and easy readers. Requires 29041, 29731 or 29735 library card.
- You may have up to 15 ebooks checked out at one time.
- You may have up to 20 titles on hold.
- Choose your own loan period between 7 and 21 days.
- Titles cannot be renewed, but they can be checked out again after they expire if they are still available.
Available for these devices:
- iOS devices, opens a new window running iOS 7 or later
- Android devices, opens a new window running Android 4.0 or later
- Kindle Fire, opens a new window devices
- Windows PCs, check out content via the library's Boundless website, opens a new window.
- Mac computers, check out content via the library's Axis 360 website, opens a new window.