National Voter Registration Day

September 26, 2017

In an election, every voice is equally powerful—don't underestimate your vote. Voting is the great equalizer. - Maya Angelou

Lift Every Voice

Every year millions of Americans find themselves unable to vote because they miss a registration deadline, don’t update their registration, or aren’t even sure how to register.

Don't let that happen to you! Last year over 750,000 voters used National Voter Registration Day, opens a new window to register to vote across all 50 states.

National Voter Registration Day is a national holiday celebrating our democracy. It was first observed in 2012 and has been growing every year since. Held on the fourth Tuesday of September, this year National Voter Registration Day will be observed on Tuesday, September 26.

Make Your Vote Count

If you aren't registered, have moved, or aren’t sure if your voting information is up to date, you can register online, opens a new window or visit one of our community libraries on September 26 and library staff will assist you in registering.

National Voter Registration Day is part of San Mateo County Libraries Community Conversations program.

The United States is the world’s oldest continuous democracy, in what ways is the right to vote important to you? Share with us in the comments below.


El Día Nacional de Inscripción para Votantes es una fiesta nacional que celebra nuestra democracia. Se observó por primera vez en el año 2012 y ha ido creciendo cada año. Esta fiesta nacional es celebrada el cuarto martes de septiembre. Este año el día nacional de registro para votantes se observará el martes, 26 de septiembre.

Si no te has registrado, te has mudado o no estás seguro si tu información electoral está al día, puedes inscribirte en línea, opens a new window o visita una de nuestras bibliótecas de la comunidad, el martes, 26 de septiembre y personal de la biblióteca te ayudará a registrarte. Las bibliótecas tendrán disponibles los materiales de registro en español.


全國選民登記日是慶祝我們民主的國慶假日。它是在2012年首次被實行,並且每年都在增長。這天是訂於九月第四個星期二, 九月二十六日是今年的全國選民登記日。

如果您尚未註冊,或已經更換住址,或不確定您的投票信息是否正確,請到網上註冊, opens a new window 或在九月二十六日來訪我們的社區圖書館, opens a new window。圖書館工作人員將協助您註冊。 有些圖書館也會提供中文及西班牙文註冊資料。