Get Inspired With Maker eResources

Staying busy at home can be challenging. If you or your children have some new open hours, you might be eager to enrich your time with fresh, creative activities. We're here to help.

While we weren't able to gather at Maker Faire Bay Area this May, we remain committed to inspiring people of all ages to make new things and learn how things work. We believe everyone in our community should have access to new technologies and exposure to the art of invention.

In keeping with this spirit, we’ve compiled a list of maker resources and specific projects for makers of all ages and skill levels. The best part? Most can be done at home with materials lying around your house.

Many of these activities are great for kids, but everyone can be a maker! We encourage you to explore these websites to find more activities or projects that energize you.

Websites and Projects to Spark Maker Imagination

You can also join our Virtual STEAM Camp, opens a new window with free, online events five days a week! Are you a Maker? Let us know about your next project in the comments.