Fall Crafts in Our Makerspaces!

From making delicious Thanksgiving dinners to making new friends during the holidays, November is a month full of making! The making continues at San Mateo County Libraries inside our makerspaces.

Our Atherton, Brisbane, Half Moon Bay and Belmont libraries have a Glowforge, a high-powered precision laser cutter that can etch, engrave and cut out your designs! With its super precise laser, you can design your own keychains, coasters, signs, décor and more.

Gobble up some creativity and get into the spirit by using the Glowforge to create some fall-tastic designs. Here are a few of our favorites:

Fall and Family Puzzles, opens a new window


Nothing beats a puzzle and some tea on a chilly fall night. Use the Glowforge to create a one-of-a-kind puzzle that expresses your gratitude and love for fall!


Fall-tastic Keychains, opens a new window

Ever wanted to create your own keychain with your name or design? Here is your chance to create autumnal keychains all your own! 

Custom Name Signs, opens a new window


Give your home a little personal touch by making a custom sign just in time for the fall season! Show off a new sign created by our Glowforge. 


Book an appointment to use our Glowforge! A staff member will work directly with you to ensure your project comes out as planned.  

Check out some of the neat designs we made with our Glowforge.